Watch Veronica Mars Season 2 Episode 13
Watch Veronica Mars Season 2 Episode 13
Injustice 2 Is a Master Class on How to Do Fan Service Right. On one hand, Injustice 2 delivers a funhouse- mirror take on DC Comics’ biggest characters, exploring the characters in intriguingly divergent ways.
On the other hand, because it’s a fighting game, all the story needs to do is keep ginning up reasons for former Justice Leaguers to punch each other across the world. Injustice 2 gets to have its cake and eat it, too, and makes you want to keep on gorging right along alongside it. The fighting game Injustice: Gods Among Us gave us a world torn apart by conflict between between. Leaving aside the core difference in the two mediums—movies that you watch and games that you control—I think part of the enjoyment gap comes from the fact that the games’ writing deftly draws on publishing history. In terms of plot and characterization, the Injustice games (and comics) are as dark, if not moreso, as Man of Steel and Batman vs. But the games sprinkle in lots of fun quips and references in the midst of Superman taking over the world, Batman locking him up and Brainiac invading the Earth. One of the reasons I’ve committed to Green Arrow as my main character is because I love hearing him jaw at his opponents.
Also, his constant mentions of his wife Black Canary and how much of a badass she is serve as reminders that the folks behind this game get the source material. The same goes for most of the other writing that goes into the game, even when it’s doing something that I can’t co- sign. This iteration of Superman is an incredible jerk but I enjoy how his actions have created a universe where the ripple effect of jerkitude makes characters react in surprising ways. Here’s a quick rundown of some elements that have made me fall in love with Injustice 2. A Great Heel Turn. Early on in a flashback sequence, Batman and Damian, in his junior partner role as Robin, have a tense face- to- face with Superman.
Damian decides to join Superman’s faction because he thinks that Bruce should’ve been killing some of his archfoes all along. There are several reasons it makes sense that Damien goes to the dark side in Injustice 2.
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He’s the son of Talia Al Ghul and was raised as an assassin. Killing isn’t as abhorrent to him. This beat also serves a meta- nod to the argument that Batman would be cooler/more effective if he killed. This time, however, the sneering comes from his own son and the ensuing betrayal feels much more fucked- up as a result. Trash Talk and Low Blows. Injustice 2 is a fighting game and that means shit- talking is a key ingredient of what’s on offer.

When the show was cancelled in May 2007, CW executive Dawn Ostroff suggested that Mars creator Rob Thomas and Bell might do a new. Veronica Mars is an American teen noir mystery drama television series created by screenwriter Rob Thomas. The series is set in the fictional town of Neptune.
Whether you’re playing in story mode or against human/AI opponents, the heroes and villains of this universe all spit barbs that make players chuckle. Take this moment from a clash between Green Arrow and Atrocitus, for example: And I straight- up winced when I read this Poison Ivy line directed at Cyborg.
Super- Fashionable Fan Service. If you’re familiar with the minutiae of DC Comics’ continuity, there are loads of cute allusions to the decades- long histories attached to these characters.
For example, one of Green Arrow’s special moves is called More Fun, after the Golden Age anthology series where he first appeared. Similar references pop up in the alternate looks and gear names, too. Some of it is just weird, like the nomenclature system for gear. The naming system combines odd, “bag of holding” RPG syntax with techno- jargon and lore nods, creating a goldmine for guffaws. Look at these things: “Balanced Dr. Watch The Longest Day Download. Quinzel’s Mad Love Style”“Mighty Farm Boy’s Humble Arms”“Destructive Insane Murder Boots”“Reinforced Coney Island Arms of Ha- Has”“Nth Metal Alien Bladed Cargoes”“Fists of I- Ching” (a reference to the wince- worthy kung- fu sensei Wonder Woman had during a powerless phase in the late 1. Despite the Michelin star- rating word- salad going on here, I know what they are and that kind of frightens me.
Speaking of gear, I’ve always been a sucker for redesigns of iconic superhero looks and Injustice 2 serves up an alt- costume extravaganza. A little smile of admiration grows on my face whenever an AI opponent rolls up in a cool variant look, like Pamela Isley sporting fall colors below. A Truly Messed- Up Alternate Ending. At the end of Injustice 2’s Story Mode, you’re forced to finish up from either Batman or Superman’s point of view. Playing through a set number of fights opens up the option to play through with the other character. I defaulted with Batman and went back later to see what happens if Kal- El wins.
Man, it is dark: If an Injustice sequel winds up being the inevitability that it seems to be, this darker ending feels like a better jumping off point as far as story potential goes.
Smallville - Wikipedia. Smallville is an American television series developed by writer- producers Alfred Gough and Miles Millar, based on the DC Comics character Superman created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster.
The series, initially broadcast by The WB, premiered on October 1. After Smallville's fifth season, The WB and UPN merged to form The CW, the series' later United States broadcaster. Smallville, which ended its tenth and final season on May 1.
Clark Kent (Tom Welling) in the fictional town of Smallville, Kansas, before he becomes known as Superman. The first four seasons focus on Clark and his friends in high school. After season five Smallville ventures into adult settings, eventually focusing on his career at the Daily Planet and introducing other DC comic- book superheroes and villains. Before the series' production, Bruce Wayne, chronicling the young protagonist's journey toward Batman, was proposed first.
Although that series failed to generate interest, it inspired Smallville. Series developers Gough and Millar pitched their . Television, reducing Superman to the bare essentials and examining what led Clark Kent to become the Man of Steel. After seven seasons with the show, Gough and Millar departed with little explanation.
Smallville was primarily filmed in and around Vancouver, British Columbia, with local businesses and buildings substituting for Smallville locations. Most of the music for the first six seasons was composed by Mark Snow, who incorporated elements of John Williams' musical score from the Superman film series. In season seven, Louis Febre (who worked with Snow from the beginning) became the series' primary composer. Smallville was generally positively received when it began. Former Superman star Christopher Reeve expressed approval for the series, making two guest appearances before his death. The pilot episode set a ratings record for a WB debut, with 8.
Over ten seasons the series averaged about 4. By the end of its run, Smallville passed Stargate SG- 1 as the longest- running North American science- fiction series. Smallville spawned a series of young- adult novels, a DC Comics bimonthly comic book, soundtrack recordings and series- related merchandise. All ten seasons are available on DVD in regions 1, 2 and 4. In April 2. 01. 2, it continued in comic- book form with a storyline resuming shortly after the series finale, and ended in November 2.
Series overview. The one- episode villains were a plot device developed by Gough and Millar. Justin Hartley becomes a series regular as Oliver Queen (Green Arrow) after being a recurring guest in season six.
The final season revolves around Clark's attempts to lose his doubts and fears and become the hero he is meant to be, while confronting his biggest challenges: the coming of Darkseid and the return of Lex Luthor. Clark's season- one problems include his inability to share his secret and his desire for a normal life. After months of scouting, Welling was cast as Clark.
Grieving the loss of her parents, she has empathy for everyone and feels connected to Clark. After Clark saves his life, they become fast friends. The role was difficult to cast. Jones was the last of the series regulars to be cast, with Gough and Millar seeing him four days before they began filming the pilot. She and her husband, Jonathan, give Clark wise advice about coping with his increasing abilities. In season five Martha takes a state- senate seat.
Around the time the creators wanted to recast Martha Kent The Huntress was canceled, allowing O'Toole to join the cast. Johnson, who auditioned for Lex and Clark before he was cast as Whitney.
Lionel is responsible for the Kents' adoption of Clark without legal ramifications or questions about his origins. He follows Lana to Smallville from Paris, taking a job as the school's assistant football coach. By the end of the season, it is disclosed that he was working with his mother to track the three Kryptonian stones of knowledge. Studios. Erica Durance plays Lois Lane, Chloe's cousin who comes to Smallville to investigate Chloe's supposed death. Durance, a recurring guest in season four, became a series regular. The producers wanted to bring Lois Lane to the series, and Chloe's supposed death in the season- three finale provided the opportunity. Durance was cast three days before filming began; although she could initially appear in only four episodes, according to the film division of Warner Bros., after negotiations her character was cleared for more appearances.
Ashmore, a recurring guest in season six, became a regular cast member in season seven. He called his casting a welcome surprise: . I hadn't heard anything, and a couple of weeks later, all of the sudden (sic), I got the call saying, 'You're going to Vancouver to start shooting Smallville.' It's a dream come true, really. Although Ashmore's Jimmy Olsen was murdered, he said his character was not the . Jimmy's younger brother, who appears briefly in the season- eight finale, is intended to be the Jimmy who works with Clark and Lois.
Sent to look after Kal- El (Clark), she was in suspended animation for eighteen years. When the dam confining Kara's ship broke in the season- six finale, .
She has Clark's abilities, including flight. Although Vandervoort did not return regularly for the eighth season. Hartley, a recurring guest in the sixth and seventh seasons, became a series regular in season eight. He was designed to shake up Clark and Lois in season six and to give Clark an alternate view of how to fight crime. Davis would come to resemble his comic- book counterpart over the course of the season. Tess believes that Clark will be able to help her. His character is first mentioned in season five, when Brainiac uses Lex's body as a vessel for Zod's spirit, and he appears in a Kryptonian sphere in the season- eight finale.
Television, about developing a series on a young Superman. That year, Alfred Gough and Miles Millar developed a pilot based on the film Eraser. After watching the pilot, Roth approached Gough and Millar about developing a pilot about a young Superman. Gough and Millar learned about the characters, researching the comics and choosing what they liked. To create atmosphere, the team decided the meteor shower bringing Clark to Earth would be the ironic foundation of the show. The primary source of his life on Earth and the super- powered beings Clark must fight, it would take away the parents of the girl he loves and start Lex Luthor down a dark path. Roth appreciated Clark's conflict in dealing with the fact that his arrival caused so much pain.
They created a loneliness in the character which they felt would drive him to reach out to the teenagers. Since the November 2. Superboy by the Siegel family, a copyright infringement dispute has arisen over ownership of the fictional town of Smallville and a claimed similarity between Superboy and Smallville's Clark Kent. According to the Siegel heirs, .
The developers thanked the cast and crew for their work, acknowledging that they never stopped fighting for what they saw as . A reason for their departure was not provided.
All began writing for the series at the start of the second season, and were executive producers by the seventh season. On February 6, 2. L. A. Times confirmed that Swimmer and Slavkin would take over the new CW series Melrose Place and not return for Smallville's ninth season; Souders and Peterson would continue as showrunners. The suit claimed that Warner Bros.
Although production was initially planned for Australia, Vancouver had more of a . The city provided a site for the Kent farm, doubled for Metropolis, provided a cheaper shooting location and was in the Los Angeles time zone. The students became accustomed to the film crew (which had to shoot when school was in session), and when a class was dismissed the crew stepped aside so the students could move the equipment to get to their lockers for the next class. Owned by the Anderlinis, the crew painted their home yellow for the show.