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Junipers Digital TV Video research includes a sector breakdown of trends and opportunities for both OTTs and traditional providers. You might think you can still do their job well if youve outgrown it, but a recent study from Florida Atlantic University showed that, in fact, if its time to. Network and OTT Strategies 2. Key Features. Insights into the current market layout as well as future opportunities, including the following Juniper models. Strategy Quadrant analysis. Sector Dynamics analysis. Case studies highlighting the current and emerging players in the digital TV video industry, alongside key player strengths and weaknesses. Amazon. AT TBBCComcast. HBONetflix. Periscope. Sky. Roku. Ultraflix. Strategic assessment of major developments along with immediate and anticipated opportunities, across key segments. An in depth evaluation of the primary challenges and opportunities facing players across the value chain. Avatar-2-2018.jpg' alt='Watch The Matrix Online Iflix' title='Watch The Matrix Online Iflix' />Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Interviews with leading players including AT T, Epix, Sky and Roku. Key player capability and capacity assessment, together with vendor market positioning matrix. Key Questions. How are traditional content providers adapting to meet the challenge posed by OTTs Which monetisationdelivery models are performing best, in terms of revenues How is the provision of new content formats evolving What is the revenue share according to monetisationdelivery type What are the key takeaways and strategic recommendations from our analysisCompanies Referenced. Interviewed AT T, Epix, Roku, Sky. Profiled Amazon, AT T, BBC British Broadcasting Corporation, BT British Telecom, Comcast, HBO Home Box Office, Hulu, Netflix, Roku, Rovi, Sky, You. Tube. Case Studied Amazon, BBC British Broadcasting Corporation, Comcast, Direc. TV, HBO Home Box Office, Nano. Tech Entertainment, Netflix, Roku, Sky, Twitter. Mentioned 2. 0th Century Fox, 2. Century Fox, A E Networks, ABC, Adobe, Adult Swim, Alphabet, Apple, BEREC Bureau of European Regulators for Electronic Communications, Best Buy, Canal, Cartoon Network, CBS, Channel 4, Charter Spectrum, Cinemax, Comedy Central, Dish, Dolby, Double. Click, Dream. Works, EE, Endemol, Ericsson, ESPN, ETNO European Telecommunications Network Operators, Facebook, Fox, Gemstar TV, Google, GSA, GSMA, Haier, Hisense, Huanxi Media, Hughes Electronics, IFC Films, iflix, Indy. Car, Intel, IQiyi, ITV, Jerrold Electronics, KPN, LG, Lionsgate, LOVEFi. Watch Online Watch California Solo Full Movie Online Film on this page. LM, Macromedia, Marvel Studios, Mediaset Premium, Meerkat, MGM, MHL Consortium, Microsoft, Miramax, MTV Networks, Mubi, National Geographic, NBC Universal, News Corporation, NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai, Nippon Television Network, Oculus, Paramount, PBS, Procter Gamble, Qualcomm Technologies, Rational Software, Replay. TV, Samsung, Sharp, Shazam, Showtime, Sling TV, Snapchat, Sony, Spotify, Sprint, Starz, Sundance Selects, Talk. Talk, TCL, Technicolour, Telstra, The CW, Time Warner, Ti. Vo, Turner Broadcasting Systems, Twitch, UHD Alliance, Univision, Verizon, VEVO, Virgin, Vizio, V Nova, VUDU, Walt Disney, Warner Bros, Youku. Data Interactive Forecast. The Digital TV Video forecast suite includes. Regional data splits by 8 key regions, alongside country level splits for. USCanada. Denmark. Germany. Norway. Portugal. Spain. Sweden. UKJapan. South Korea. Market split by sector. SVOD Subscription Video on Demand. Subscription revenues, subscriber numbers, pricing. TVOD Transaction Video on Demand. User numbers, total downloads, pricing. FVOD Free Video on Demand. User numbers, advert impressions, advertiser spend. IPTV. Subscribers, average revenue per user, total revenues. Device splits for. Smartphone. Tablet. Desktop Laptop PCs. Connected TVNew 4. K and 8. K forecasts for Digital TV Video. Interactive Scenario Tool allowing users to manipulate Junipers data for 1. Watch Ace Ventura: Pet Detective 4Shared. Access to the full set of forecast data of just under 3. Juniper Researchs highly granular interactive Excels enable clients to manipulate Junipers forecast data and charts to test their own assumptions using the Interactive Scenario Tool and compare select markets side by side in customised charts and tables. IFxls greatly increase clients ability to both understand a particular market and to integrate their own views into the model.