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You Win or You Die"You Win or You Die" is the seventh episode of the HBOmedieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones. It was written by David Benioff and D.
B. Weiss, and directed by Daniel Minahan. Set to air May 2. A Golden Crown" to HBO customers with access to HBO Go. The episode furthers the story line of deterioration of the political balance of the Seven Kingdoms, with Eddard Stark revealing what he has discovered to Cersei Lannister while King Robert is still away on a hunt. The title of the episode is part of a quote from Cersei Lannister during the final confrontation with Eddard: "When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground." The catchphrase has been frequently used during the promotion of both the books and the television series.[2]The episode was generally well received by critics for its well- acted dramatic tension, but with several criticizing the coupling of exposition and nudity as "sexposition." In the United States, the episode achieved a viewership of 2. Like previous episodes, "You Win or You Die" interweaves action happening in multiple separate locations within and around the Kingdom of Westeros.
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The Sopranos is an American television drama series broadcast on the HBO network. The show is about a fictional Italian-American Mafia family in Northern New Jersey. The series is centered around a Miami hotel of the 60's. Set in 1959 Miami, Florida shortly after the Cuban Revolution, Magic City tells the story of Ike Evans.
While the dramatic center of this episode is in the capital of King's Landing, where the title quote is issued, ongoing events at The Wall and Winterfell in the north and with the Dothraki across the Narrow Sea continue, and events at the Lannister army's camp are depicted as well. At the Lannister camp[edit]Lord Tywin Lannister talks with his son Jaime while the former is skinning a stag, symbolic animal of the house Baratheon. While Tywin chastises Jaime for causing the recent troubles with the Starks, he nevertheless believes this war is the perfect opportunity for the Lannisters to set up a dynasty as the new rulers of the Seven Kingdoms. Tywin gives half of his forces to Jaime to attack Riverrun, the seat of House Tully and Lady Catelyn's childhood home, in retaliation for Catelyn's seizure of Tyrion. At Winterfell[edit]The captured wildling Osha, now a servant of the Starks, is harassed by Theon Greyjoy, who warns her that if she had been arrested in his homeland the Iron Islands, she would have suffered a worse fate. As Maester Luwin tells Theon to leave her alone after witnessing Theon's sexual advance on her, he asks Osha why she and other wildlings are coming south from the Wall. She reveals they were fleeing from the White Walkers, who have apparently returned after millennia of slumber, and declares that every army in the Seven Kingdoms should be marching north to confront that threat.
At the Wall[edit]Benjen Stark's horse returns from north of the Wall without him, much to the worry of his nephew, Jon Snow. Later, to Jon's disappointment and anger, he is told he has been assigned as a steward to the Lord Commander instead of a ranger, like his uncle.
- Photo gallery, plot outline, cast list, user reviews, and a message board.
- "You Win or You Die" is the seventh episode of the HBO medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones. It was written by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, and.
Jon suspects Ser Alliser Thorne's involvement, as revenge for Jon defying him; however, Sam believes that this assignment may mean he is being groomed for command. As Jon and Sam take their vows near a heart tree, Jon's direwolf brings him a dismembered hand. In Vaes Dothrak[edit]Daenerys Targaryen attempts to convince Khal Drogo to return to her homeland and reclaim the throne of the Seven Kingdoms, but he is not interested. While Daenerys and her entourage go sightseeing at a market, Ser Jorah Mormont receives a pardon for him to return to the Seven Kingdoms from an informant of Lord Varys. Jorah realizes this means the order to assassinate Daenerys has been officially issued and quickly saves her from a wine merchant who tries to poison her.
Drogo, angered by the attempt on his wife's life, vows to his followers that he will lead his people to cross the Narrow Sea to invade the Seven Kingdoms as revenge and reclaim the Iron Throne for his unborn son. In King's Landing[edit]Ned confronts Queen Cersei, telling her that he knows Prince Joffrey and his siblings are not King Robert's children, but were incestuously fathered by her brother Jaime. Cersei defends her affair with Jaime, comparing it to the ancient Targaryen practice of wedding brothers to sisters and saying she tried to love Robert, but he refused to love her because he was still in love with Ned's deceased sister, Lyanna. Ned shows Cersei mercy and tells her to leave the capital with her children before he tells Robert the truth. Unexpectedly, Lord Renly Baratheon returns and informs Ned that, while hunting, Robert was mortally wounded by a boar.
On his deathbed, Robert dictates his will to Ned, in which Robert makes Ned the Lord Regent and Protector of the Realm until Joffrey comes of age. Ned writes down Robert's words, but instead of using "Joffrey," Ned writes "my rightful heir," making the succession ambiguous. Robert signs the will without reading this change in wording and begs Ned to make Joffrey a better man.
Robert also tells Ned that he was wrong to have ordered Daenerys Targaryen's assassination and orders Ned to let her live. Fearing Cersei and the Lannisters will use this time to their advantage, Renly tries to convince Ned they should raise an army and launch a coup d'état; however, Ned refuses him. Ned wants to ensure that the crown passes to the rightful heir: Stannis Baratheon, Robert and Renly's brother.
Ned writes a letter to Stannis informing him of the situation, dispatching it to Dragonstone, Stannis' island fortress. Ned also reveals to Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish the truth of Joffrey's heritage, to which Littlefinger suggests they allow Joffrey and the Lannisters to take the throne, and if Joffrey proves to be an unfit ruler, they can use the truth to overthrow him and make Renly the king instead.
Ned refuses such treason, asking Littlefinger to secure the support of the City Watch to overpower Cersei's men- at- arms if they attempt to seize the throne. By the time Robert dies, Renly has fled the capital, and Joffrey has already ordered his own coronation within a fortnight. As Ned and his allies enter the throne room, he gives Ser Barristan Selmy Robert's will to read out aloud. Cersei refuses to follow Robert's will and tears it up, ordering Barristan to seize Ned.
Ned orders his men to arrest Cersei and Joffrey. As both sides prepare to fight, the City Watch slaughters the Stark men while Littlefinger holds Ned with a knife at his throat, telling Ned that he should have listened to Littlefinger's advice about distrusting him. Production[edit]Writing[edit]. The episode was written by series co- creators David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. The episode was written by the showrunners David Benioff and D. B. Weiss, based on the original novel by George R. R. Martin. The chapters included in "You Win or You Die" are 4.
Eddard XII, Eddard XIII, Jon VI, Eddard XIV, and Daenerys VI), making it the episode that includes fewest chapters of the source novel in the entire first season.[3][4] Among the scenes created specifically for the show were a meeting between Tywin and Jaime Lannister (as Lord Tywin is field dressing a stag) and a "training" session between Littlefinger and two new female recruits for one of his brothels.[5]Casting[edit]"You Win or You Die" marks the first appearance of Charles Dance as Lord Tywin, the patriarch of the Lannister household. Cast in the role shortly after the production began, Dance had been the first choice of the producers and one of the fan favorites for the role.
Author George R. R. Martin commented that "his commanding screen presence and steely charisma should make him the perfect Lord Tywin."[6] The deer that is field dressed by Tywin in the opening scene was a real dead stag.[7] Dance had no previous experience with skinning and gutting, and before filming the scene practiced for an hour with a butcher. Filming locations[edit]Most of the episode was shot on set at the Irish studios of The Paint Hall.
Watch Magic City Episodes Online. Watch Hot Shots! Tube Free. The series is centered around a Miami hotel of the 6.
Set in 1. 95. 9 Miami, Florida shortly after the Cuban Revolution, Magic City tells the story of Ike Evans (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), the owner of Miami's most glamorous hotel, the Miramar Playa. Evans is forced to make an ill- fated deal with Miami mob boss Ben Diamond (Danny Huston) to ensure the success of his glitzy establishment.