Regular Show Season 3 Episode 2
Regular Show Season 3 Episode 2
Click here if you want to play Free Regular Show Games Online Here you can watch. In tonights episode of Game of Thrones, we welcome Jon Snow back to the land of living and watch Bran dip into the past, in the aptly named Oathbreaker. Cartoon Network is home to your favorite cartoons, full episodes, video clips and free games. Play with your favorite Cartoon Network characters in Teen Titans GO. Watch episodes of Regular Show OnlineA Regular Epic Final Battle. The park crew arrives at Lolliland, the place of birth of Pops and Anti Pops. Watch Rap It up online. Stream Regular Show season 3, episode 9 instantly. Watch The Loud House episode 7 season 2 LockThe place is all shattered of all the old fights the two brothers had and there they meet a group of natives from Lolliland, Frivola Kranus, Quadravi Kranus and Weird Mushroom Guy, they tell the crew of the previous battles Pops and Anti Pops had, also they discovered Pops real name, Mega Kranus and Anti Pops, Malum Kranus, and how the lolliland natives have been evolving to the point Pops was born. In the ancient tapestries show every battle ever done, and there is a section where warriors resembling the park crew are fighting along Pops, meaning they were meant to fight in the ultimate battle, but now that they know that they are meant to end the fight in a stalemate, Mordecai thought of setting traps for Anti Pops so they get an advantage in the battle, Pops was against cheating but he was also convinced that they have to win to save themselves so he helped them to set the traps. With their death, Pops got angry enough to reach his ultimate power and the real cosmic battle started, both brothers fired their beams on Lolliland, but Pops was still scared of failing and Anti Pops was stronger so he erased everyone, including Andy, but Mordecai and Rigby. Mordecai doubts that Rigby can see into the future, so Rigby proves it by bringing him outside and digging up the futuristic Blu Ray boxset containing six years worth of memories, which they buried just before Pops battle. Although still doubtful, Mordecai remembers simply by touching the boxset. Watch Dead &Amp; Buried Hindi Full Movie. He and Rigby realize that their interference when Pops and Anti Pops collided their fists caused the time stream to not properly reset, trapping them in a glitch in time. Figuring that they still have a chance to help Pops and save the universe, they use their magical keyboard to escape and get back to their proper place and time, and witness the fight of Pops versus Anti Pops. He attacks them, throwing them back on Lolliland, as it blows up, destroyed to pieces. He escapes, and dodges giant letters that form Regular Show in the background alluding to the opening title seen in every episode. He tries to save Rigby but is knocked back by a giant swarm of Adhesive Notes, as Mordecais space is turned into a storyboard, and Rigby is made of the Adhesive Notes as well. Anti Pops taunts him Show yourself, coward His twin brother gets ready to attack, but Pops launches himself, hugging him, purple energy covering both of them, and having Anti Pops shrink down to his normal size. As Mordecai and Rigby scream for Pops to return, he telepathically speaks to them. Take care of each other, goodbye. Mordecai and Rigby are deeply saddened by the death of their good friend and, knowing this is it, want to come back as different animals when the universe resets. A giant super nova forms, and Mordecai and Rigby are sent back to reality. Just like that, the universe is restored to its rightful balance, as news reporter Del Hanlon receives news that the Park Dome is finally back, after 3 years in space. Margaret, also reporting at the time, leaves her post and runs to see the group again after a long period of being apart. Their relatives and friends all run through the crowd to reunite with them. Mordecais parents make their way through the crowd to hug their son, while his mom kisses him on the cheek. Rigbys parents and Don reunite with him, and Rigbys dad points to Rigby and shouts something to the crowd that flatters Rigby. Muscle Mans wife Starla hugs him, and introduces him to their young daughter, which causes Muscle Man to cry tears of joy. Skips reunites with Techmo, Margaret hugs Eileen, Hi Five Ghost hugs Celia, and Bensons pig Apple Sauce comes to see him. Rigby suddenly kisses Eileen for the first time and both blush and smile after. Theyre all happy, but Mordecai hears cries while giving an interview. Maellard, grieving over the loss of his loved son. Benson leaves flowers on the statue, while they all grieve in silence for the loss of Pops. He Loved to Laugh. He Saved the Universe. He Was Our Friend. Pops Maellard. They hug, and drive to their new homes, with Mordecai moving into his own place, and Rigby and Eileen moving into their own home, leaving the Park once and for all. Mordecai is working as an artist, making abstract paintingssome of which look like C. J. Rigby, now visibly older with a mustache, is seen teaching one of his two young daughters how to play video games. Eileen, holding the youngest daughter, brings sandwiches for them. Benson and Pam have gotten back together, and they greet a new generation of park workers, along with Skips, still being the park groundskeeper on account of his immortality. Muscle Man and Starla are shown to have six children. We then see Skips working on his car. He smiles as he takes a sip of coffee. Not much has changed for him, except he is now wearing jean shorts. Hi Five Ghost and Celia are DJs, and are seen performing at a concert in Prague. We then see Mordecai again, also now looking older with glasses, hair on his face and chest, and somewhat having gained a bit of weight. He is having his paintings shown at an art gallery. While signing autographs, he bumps into another artist signing autographs, a bat like girl named Stef. They stare into each others eyes. Eileen and Stef, who married Mordecai, are having a conversation. Benson and Pam now have 4 cats, and they still have Bensons pig, Apple Sauce. Mordecai and Stefs teenage children are on their smartphones, looking annoyed. Rigby and Eileens daughters have also grown up, one of them is holding up a string to a pi. The other one breaks it open, and candy pours out for some of Muscle Man and Starlas kids and one of High Five Ghost and Celias two sons. Maellard had passed away, and a statue commemorating him has been built, right next to the statue of his very son he lost long ago. Everyone gathers in front of the two statues for a picture. Mordecai and Rigby sit down on the steps of the house to have some sodas and talk again after all this time. Mordecai wished Pops was alive to see what has happened the last 2. Rigby reminds him that they wouldnt have all of this if it wasnt for Pops. Then, they leave to go play their old video games that are in the shed, but not before they shout their beloved catchphrases one last time. Then, Pops offscreen is heard happily sighing, knowing his dear friends are moving on with their lives now that the universe is saved. This was evident when Starla welcomed Muscle Man back to Earth with their new daughter, who at that time would be almost 3 years old. Pops, Rigby, Mordecai, and Anti Pops all have lines that break the 4th wall. A brief segment of The Naive Man from Lolliland is likewise seen during the final battle, as it was the first cartoon short JG Quintel made all the way back in 2. During an AMA on Reddit with Matt Price and Calvin Wong, Matt gave her the name. This makes Thomas one of the only characters not appearing in the finale. His last official appearance was during the Season 7 finale, Rigbys Graduation Day Special, having a brief cameo as he watched the dome launch into space. We also felt like Mordecai had moved on in his life. He finally left the park to pursue art, and we thought itd be cool if he met someone while doing that. But we love Margaret and C. J., and were sure that theyre happy without MordecaiHe was too wishy washy with them Shes definitely still friends with Eileen and keeps up with Mordecai. They still laugh about how weird their brief relationship was. TV Series Dora The Explorer, as well resembling Sonic the Hedgehog. This pencil is based on the Tombow Mono 1.